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For additional information, click on a competency in this list for more text and explanation.
- Managing a group
- Managing employees
- Leading an organization
- Accuracy
- Analyzing
- Anticipating
- Decision making
- Political sensitivity
- Conceptual flexibility
- Sociability
- Creativity
- Delegating
- Perseverance
- Ownership
- Flexibility
- Shared leadership
- Initiative
- Empathy
- Integrity
- Dedication
- Customer orientation
- Listening
- Courage
- Oral expression
- Motivating
- Networking
- Environmental awareness
- Independence
- Developing employees
- Judgment
- Organizational sensitivity
- Persuasiveness
- Planning and organizing
- Reflecting
- Results orientation
- Collaboration
- Written communication skills
- Stress Tolerance
- Vision
- Monitoring progress
- Self-development
1. Managing a group
Guiding a group towards collaboration and achieving goals.
- Utilizes the qualities and characteristics of group members optimally.
- Organizes meetings and ensures alignment.
- Regularly discusses the current status.
- Encourages the sharing of knowledge, information, and ideas.
- Strives to create a cohesive team environment.
- Addresses issues affecting cooperation within the group.
- Helps resolve interpersonal tensions among team members.
2. Managing employees
Directs an employee's behavior and results.
- Understands the capabilities and desires of the employee.
- Sets specific goals and expected behaviors with the employee.
- Adapts leadership style to the employee's needs and capabilities as well as the situation.
- Supports the employee in achieving results.
- Provides feedback on performance and achieved results.
- Is open to feedback from the employee on leadership.
3. Leading an organization
Provides direction to the organization based on a vision.
- Translates the organization's mission and vision into strategy and operational goals.
- Translates operational goals into a suitable organizational structure and logical business processes, and aligns the organization accordingly.
- Communicates the strategy and operational goals.
- Directs the achievement of the strategy and operational goals.
- Adjusts strategy and objectives in response to internal or external developments.
- Collaboratively shapes the management and structure of the organization.
- Focuses on the broader context rather than just their own domain.
4. Accuracy
Works meticulously.
- Works precisely and carefully.
- Identifies and corrects deviations and omissions, even in routine tasks.
- Adheres to regulations or agreed-upon quality standards.
- Regularly evaluates the quality of their own work.
5. Analyzing
Identifies the core and connections in situations, issues, and data.
- Selects the right information from various sources.
- Distinguishes between essential and non-essential information.
- Establishes a logical structure amidst a wealth of information.
- Draws connections between data and/or issues.
- Differentiates between cause and effect.
- Uses different perspectives in analysis.
6. Anticipating
Foresees developments impacting work and acts accordingly.
- Forewarns about expected developments.
- Identifies important individuals and networks and involves them.
- Specifies actions for anticipated developments.
- Acts promptly upon anticipating an opportunity or critical situation.
7. Decision-making
Makes choices.
- Makes decisions based on a balanced judgment.
- Makes decisions decisively, even in doubt or when information is lacking.
- Aims to reach consensus and seeks support.
- Avoids unnecessary delays in decision-making.
- Takes a clear stance.
8. Political sensitivity
Considers the implications of developments, decisions, and actions for political leaders, policies, and senior civil servants.
- Understands policies, bureaucratic and political rules, relationships, and interests.
- Aware of (international) political developments among political and bureaucratic leaders.
- Recognizes political and administrative sensitivities, risks, and opportunities and acts accordingly.
- Considers the implications for political leaders and senior civil servants in decisions and actions.
- Confirms support from the appropriate individuals.
9. Conceptual flexibility
Constructs models and formulates multiple views, hypotheses, or ideas based on complex information to guide an organization in a rapidly changing societal, administrative, international, and political context.
- Analyzes (complex and) conflicting information about the organization and societal challenges.
- Constructs models and scenarios based on relevant criteria.
- Considers and manages uncertainties. Acts on new, additional information and/or changed circumstances, even with limited available information.
- Makes decisions about models and scenarios.
- Initiates the creation of multiple perspectives and long-term plans for the societal challenges of the organization.
10. Sociability
Easily makes contact and is approachable.
- Approaches others easily, even in unfamiliar situations.
- Is approachable and accessible.
- Is open to new contacts.
- Initiates conversations easily.
- Moves comfortably in (international) social settings.
11. Creativity
Generates new solutions, ideas, and perspectives.
- Examines issues from different perspectives.
- Generates multiple ideas for a given issue.
- Creates unconventional solutions for problems.
- Comes up with new ideas.
- Uses existing possibilities in new ways.
- Develops new methods, services, or products.
12. Delegation
Assigns tasks and authorities to others.
- Balances between doing tasks oneself and delegating to others.
- Selects suitable individuals for the tasks and authorities to be delegated.
- Transfers work and authorities.
- Provides relevant instructions.
- Allows others sufficient autonomy in carrying out delegated tasks and authorities.
13. Perseverance
Continues to exert effort to achieve an intended goal, even in the face of resistance or obstacles.
- Persists until the goal is achieved.
- Demonstrates commitment to achieving the result.
- Seeks alternatives that work when faced with problems.
- Persists in the face of resistance, disappointment, or setback until the goal is achieved or no longer reasonably attainable.
14. Ownership
Approaches work with a commitment to achieving desired results.
- Investigates the question and its background thoroughly.
- Clearly indicates what is and isn't possible.
- Considers how best to assist the client.
- Takes responsibility for executing the work from start to finish.
- Recognizes the importance of one's contribution to the bigger picture.
- Presents alternative options as needed.
15. Flexibility
Adjusts goals and/or approach when circumstances require.
- Chooses an approach that fits the situation.
- Shifts to a different approach when faced with resistance or unexpected circumstances.
- Adjusts goals in response to changing circumstances.
- Adapts one's own behavior as the situation demands.
- Easily switches between topics or tasks.
- Revises one's own opinions based on new information.
16. Shared leadership
Shows commitment to achieving the desired results.
- Collaboratively shapes the direction and organization of the institution.
- Focuses on the broader context, not solely on their own domain.
- Demonstrates involvement in the question or issue.
- Investigates the question and its background thoroughly.
- Actively seeks connection with those who posed the question.
- Knows the agreements made regarding service delivery.
- Builds and maintains new networks accordingly.
- Actively seeks different perspectives from others.
- Can utilize information and knowledge from various perspectives for the question or task.
17. Initiative
Acts independently.
- Takes action without prompting from others.
- Proactively seeks opportunities and possibilities.
- Proposes ideas or solutions on their own initiative.
18. Empathy
Considers the feelings, needs, and backgrounds of others in actions.
- Shows interest in the feelings, needs, and backgrounds of others.
- Tactfully handles the culture, norms, and values of others.
- Shows understanding of the feelings, needs, and backgrounds of others.
- Takes into account the position, wishes, and interests of others.
- Raises feelings and needs for discussion when necessary.
19. Integrity
Acts according to generally accepted norms and values and according to the oath or pledge.
- Is aware of the norms and values that apply within the organization.
- Adheres to the norms, values, and house rules of the organization.
- Prevents conflicts of interest.
- Treats others with respect.
- Behaves according to the norms and codes of conduct applicable to the position.
- Raises compliance with norms, values, and etiquette when necessary.
- Maintains integrity in the face of temptation and pressure.
- Handles confidential information carefully.
20. Dedication
Works hard and with dedication.
- Works with dedication.
- Works longer hours when necessary.
- Does not get discouraged by difficulties.
21. Customer orientation
Responds to the needs and interests of the customer.
- Investigates the customer's desires.
- Deepens understanding of the organization, interests, and culture of the customer.
- Clearly communicates possibilities and limitations to the customer.
- Responds promptly and appropriately to inquiries and complaints.
- Anticipates customer desires and acts accordingly.
- Searches (together with the customer) for the most suitable solutions.
- Refers carefully when the question cannot be answered.
- Takes responsibility for the execution of agreements if desired.
- Inquires about customer satisfaction.
22. Listening
Shows understanding of what others are saying.
- Avoids unnecessary interruptions.
- Pays attention to non-verbal signals.
- Explores underlying assumptions, norms, and emotions.
- Shows understanding of the core message by paraphrasing what the other has said.
- Asks questions for clarification.
- Non-verbally shows active listening.
23. Courage
Takes risks when necessary or desired.
- Doesn't shy away from difficult situations.
- Uses an approach with little or no prior experience.
- Takes deliberate action, even if it may have adverse consequences for one's own position.
24. Oral expression
Speaks understandably and correctly.
- Formulates in understandable Dutch.
- Expresses thoughts clearly, concisely, diplomatically, and fluently.
- Maintains a coherent story with a logical structure.
- Adapts language and communication style to the audience.
- Presents ideas and facts in a way that others understand the essence.
25. Motivating
Encourages engagement and action in others.
- Takes action to inspire others.
- Shows confidence in others, for example, by giving them challenging goals.
- Recognizes the achievements and contributions of others.
- Shows appreciation for demonstrated engagement and performance.
- Demonstrates personal commitment to organizational goals.
- Sets an example through words and actions.
26. Networking
Develops, maintains, and utilizes relationships and contacts, within and outside the organization, nationally and internationally, to obtain information and cooperation.
- Establishes and maintains contacts with persons and organizations relevant to the own function.
- Utilizes the network at the right moment to achieve the objectives of the own organization.
- Approaches the right people to obtain support, cooperation, or influence.
- Exchanges information with relevant individuals and organizations.
- Assists persons from the network if this is or will be relevant for the own function or organization.
27. Environmental awareness
Takes into account relevant external developments and circumstances.
- Follows relevant developments outside the own organization.
- Identifies developments and circumstances that affect the own work area.
- Translates external developments and circumstances to the own work area.
- Assesses who stakeholders are and what points are important to them.
- Assesses how people within the organization view specific issues.
28. Independence
Acts based on personal conviction.
- Forms an independent opinion, regardless of what others think.
- Introduces own ideas, even if it is known that others disagree.
- Stands by a taken position, without losing sight of feasibility.
- Consciously follows the own approach, even if others object.
- Doesn't shy away from a business disagreement.
29. Developing employees
Promotes and guides the development of employees.
- Meets periodically with employees about personal and professional development.
- Supports employees in formulating development goals and activities.
- Makes annual agreements with employees about their personal and professional development.
- Encourages employees to develop within the current role and towards future roles, serving as a sounding board.
- Adapts to the learning style of employees.
- Supports development activities of employees.
30. Judgment
Reaches a conclusion or position based on available information.
- Forms a judgment based on facts, arguments, and considerations.
- Takes into account all relevant aspects.
- Weighs alternatives against each other.
- Considers feasibility and potential consequences in the assessment.
- Substantiates a conclusion or position with arguments.
31. Organizational sensitivity
Considers the consequences of internal developments, decisions, and actions for the organization.
- Understands the policy, rules, relationships, and interests within the (international) organization.
- Stays informed about relevant developments within the organization and with potential chain partners.
- Identifies sensitivities, risks, and opportunities and acts accordingly.
- Takes into account the consequences for the organization in decisions and actions.
- Consults with the right people to gauge support.
32. Persuasiveness
Makes an effort to win others over to an idea or viewpoint.
- Uses logical, substantiated, and relevant arguments.
- Adapts arguments and style to the audience.
- Presents the right arguments at the right moment.
- Expresses proposals or arguments with conviction and enthusiasm.
33. Planning and organizing
Determines an appropriate work approach for a given goal or task and manages its execution.
- Translates a given goal or result into activities, for oneself or for others.
- Sets priorities, for oneself or for others.
- Makes a realistic estimate of the time, people, and resources required for the work.
- Takes into account the schedules of those involved.
- Adjusts the plan as necessary based on ongoing processes and developments.
- Ensures that necessary people and resources are available at the right time.
- Organizes work so that it is transferable and reportable.
34. Reflecting
Reflects on one's own performance, the organization's performance, and the societal domain (of the role), creating a safe learning environment influenced by new perspectives.
- Understands one's own strengths and development areas.
- Reflects on and seeks feedback on one's own performance.
- Understands the impact of one's own behavior on others and the environment.
- Uses feedback actively to improve one's own actions.
- Fosters reflection and feedback on the organization's performance.
- Is able to recognize established patterns in the organization's development.
- Is open to new perspectives on the organization's development.
- Creates a safe and positive learning environment for teams and the organization to improve organizational actions.
- Acts as a role model in changing the organization.
35. Results orientation
Focuses on achieving a predetermined result.
- Formulates concrete goals.
- Translates goals into specific agreements.
- Prioritizes achieving results.
- Delivers agreed-upon results at the agreed-upon time.
36. Collaboration
Works together with others towards a common goal.
- Seeks out collaboration.
- Aligns one's own work with others.
- Shares knowledge, information, and ideas with others.
- Shows interest in others' ideas.
- Contributes to a good working relationship.
- Seeks creative ways to collaborate.
- Provides constructive feedback to others and is open to receiving it.
- Helps others when needed.
- Prioritizes the collective result over individual interests.
37. Written expression
Creates understandable and correct texts.
- Formulates in accessible Dutch.
- Concisely and clearly captures information and own ideas.
- Gets to the core of the matter in few words.
- Structures texts logically.
- Adapts language use and formatting to the audience.
38. Stress tolerance
Continues to function effectively under pressure.
- Maintains composure and works effectively in challenging circumstances, such as working under time constraints or risks.
- Remains calm and responds calmly to setbacks, opposition, and criticism.
- Establishes clear boundaries for oneself when working under time pressure.
- Makes personal stress manageable, for example, by putting things into perspective.
39. Vision
Has a clear perspective on the current situation and on the future of the work area, field of expertise, or organization.
- Develops a vision for one's own work area, field of expertise, or organization.
- Translates developments into a future perspective for one's own work area, field of expertise, or organization.
- Places current issues and developments in a long-term perspective.
40. Progress monitoring
Monitors and controls the progress of one's own activities and those of others, and adjusts as necessary.
- Establishes standards and milestones beforehand to measure quality and results.
- Monitors the progress of activities and the quality of products.
- Informs all parties involved about the progress.
- Identifies deviations from agreements regarding time and quality.
- Takes timely action when deviations are anticipated.
41. Self-development
Actively works on one's own development.
- Actively familiarizes oneself with new subject matter or work situations.
- Keeps relevant knowledge and skills up to date.
- Actively seeks learning experiences.
- Learns from one's own experiences and mistakes.
- Seeks feedback.
- Uses feedback and suggestions from others.
- Is aware of one's own norms and values and can reflect on them objectively.
- Applies acquired knowledge, insights, and skills in practice.
- Demonstrates awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses.